0 +
Professionals enrolled
$ 0
Average savings per move
0 hours+
Productivity improvement

Our value proposition


significant difference to your medical professionals?


Experienced Consultant

Service Delivery


Real Estate Agents

Technology Platform

Experienced Consultant

“…helped us make better decisions”
“…was always responsive”
“suzanne took my call on a saturday … this was not expected”
“…had patience to answer my many questions”

Service Delivery

“very professional”
“objective and no pressure”
“personalized to my situation”
“EHV saved me and my wife significant time”


“nearly paid for moving my household goods”
“covered about 30% of my closing costs”
“was so nice to get that check in the mail after closing”

Real Estate Agents

“now I understand the impartance of having a top agent”
“the two home market analyses helped me price my home competitvely”
“the agents recommended were outstanding”

Technology Platform

“very cool; one place to help me manage my move”
“the resource library was terrific”
“easy to navigate”

Let's hop on a CALL TODAY to discuss how we can save you time and money. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.