5 Tips For Choosing a Corporate Relocation Management Company

There are several things to consider when choosing a corporate relocation management company to help you relocate your employees, and this is your chance to do it right the first time around! Of course, you want the best value possible, but you also need to be sure that the company you choose will move your […]
Four Types of Employee Relocation Benefits Your Company Should Offer

While most companies offer some kind of relocation benefit to employees, the best benefits are those that are comprehensive in nature. This short guide to employee relocation benefits will provide helpful suggestions that will help your company attract top talent. Common Types of Benefits Transferees are employees that are transferred to a new location by […]
Expect the Unexpected: What to Know About Relocation Benefits When Getting Laid Off

Relocation benefits are often offered to employees who are laid off from their jobs, but not every company offers them and they aren’t always available. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your layoff, relocation benefits might include help with temporary housing costs, assistance finding a new job in your new location, or other resources to help […]
Lump Sum Relocation Packages – Everything You Need to Know

What Is A Lump Sum Relocation Package? A lump sum relocation package is a financial allowance that a company offers an employee to help the employee relocate. Lump sum packages can help employees ease in and start working because they provide more flexibility to move quickly into their new city and role. Our Homezie FlexRelo package also […]
The Top 10 Reasons to Offer Real Estate Assistance to Your Employees

Employees are your biggest asset, and if you want to keep them happy and productive, they need to feel valued at work. There are many perks companies can offer their employees in order to do this, but there’s one perk that provides comfort, convenience, and peace of mind more than any other—Real Estate Assistance. Find […]