Everything You Need to Know About Employee Relocation Benefits and Lump-Sum Solutions

Offering relocation benefits and lump-sum solutions ensures that employers can help their staff members feel more secure about their financial future. In fact, many employees consider this as part of their pay, and it’s one of the reasons why so many people choose to work at certain companies instead of others. This article provides an […]

Expect the Unexpected: What to Know About Relocation Benefits When Getting Laid Off

Relocation benefits are often offered to employees who are laid off from their jobs, but not every company offers them and they aren’t always available. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your layoff, relocation benefits might include help with temporary housing costs, assistance finding a new job in your new location, or other resources to help […]

The Top 10 Reasons to Offer Real Estate Assistance to Your Employees

Employees are your biggest asset, and if you want to keep them happy and productive, they need to feel valued at work. There are many perks companies can offer their employees in order to do this, but there’s one perk that provides comfort, convenience, and peace of mind more than any other—Real Estate Assistance. Find […]

Managing Relocation with Lump Sums or Capped Expenses

Homezie Relocation Support Services

Relocation Support Services  Homezie recognizes the importance of having a well-designed program for transferees receiving limited relocation financial assistance with a Lump Sum or Capped Expenses. Money is great, however, transferees do not have the know-how or tools to make these valuable benefit dollars do more for them. As a result, Homezie’s FlexRelo was designed […]