The relocation industry has never had so many challenges as we continue to move from controlled processes to fluid, flexible, diverse and employee driven!

The old methods that exerted control over employees and their ability to make decisions started with corporate policies – which were filled with do’s and don’ts – and so administratively complex corporations had to outsource the control to administer these policies to relocation management companies (RMCs).  In handing over this control to RMCs, a supply chain of relocation suppliers emerged that worked exclusively for RMCs to fulfil their set of prescribed do’s and don’ts that were by and large, applicable to all corporate employers and their transferees. 

This controlled environment was carefully constructed with pricing that compensated these companies handsomely for servicing corporate relocation transferees.  And, in these models, the employees had relatively no option but to follow the rules. These old ways are being upended as corporations of all sizes are looking to change policies to simplify administration and most importantly hand off and expect the employee to make more relocation decisions including supplier selection and overall cost budget management.  See this straightforward article from Mercer that highlights the on-going trends that are requiring more convenience, flexibility, along with personalized care and choices to empower the transferring employee to chart and control their own relocation journey by making decisions that are right for them.

Homezie, while a relatively new name, for more than 7 years, the tenured leadership team at Homezie has focused on changing how people move by designing and building an employee driven relocation experience…that translates to convenience, high care, choices, and control over decision making. Homezie caters to corporations who are looking for simpler, more cost-effective ways with lump sum or reimbursement up to a cap relocation benefits.

Contact the Homezie Leadership Team to learn more! Click Here

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